Shades a color by a specified amount.
Contributed by @itsbrunodev
export function shadeColor(color, decimal) { const base = color.startsWith("#") ? 1 : 0; let r = Number.parseInt(color.substring(base, 3), 16); let g = Number.parseInt(color.substring(base + 2, 5), 16); let b = Number.parseInt(color.substring(base + 4, 7), 16); r = Math.round(r / decimal); g = Math.round(g / decimal); b = Math.round(b / decimal); r = r < 255 ? r : 255; g = g < 255 ? g : 255; b = b < 255 ? b : 255; const rr = r.toString(16).length === 1 ? `0${r.toString(16)}` : r.toString(16); const gg = g.toString(16).length === 1 ? `0${g.toString(16)}` : g.toString(16); const bb = b.toString(16).length === 1 ? `0${b.toString(16)}` : b.toString(16); return `#${rr}${gg}${bb}`.replaceAll("-", ""); }
shadeColor("#265c98", 1.5); // #193d65 - darken the color by 50% shadeColor("#265c98", 0.5); // #4cb8ff - lighten the color by 50%