Roman Numeral Formatter

Converts an integer to Roman numerals.

Contributed by @itsbrunodev

function formatRomanNumeral(num) {
  const romanMap = [
    { value: 1000, numeral: "M" },
    { value: 900, numeral: "CM" },
    { value: 500, numeral: "D" },
    { value: 400, numeral: "CD" },
    { value: 100, numeral: "C" },
    { value: 90, numeral: "XC" },
    { value: 50, numeral: "L" },
    { value: 40, numeral: "XL" },
    { value: 10, numeral: "X" },
    { value: 9, numeral: "IX" },
    { value: 5, numeral: "V" },
    { value: 4, numeral: "IV" },
    { value: 1, numeral: "I" },
  let result = "";
  for (const { value, numeral } of romanMap) {
    while (num >= value) {
      result += numeral;
      num -= value;
  return result;
formatRomanNumeral(1987); // "MCMLXXXVII"
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